Prayer as a Measure of Your Spirit-Filled Life

Owen notes that the Holy Spirit is performing two general works in a Spirit-filled Christian to aid him in prayer. First, the Spirit makes us want to pray. Secondly, the Spirit gives us the ability to pray—not in general, but upon each prayer event. But how can we know that the contents of these prayers are Spirit-led when our own deficiencies and depravities crowd our thinking? After all, we need the Spirit to help our weakness, because we don’t even know what to pray for without His help (Rom 8:26). Owen offers three requests that are regular elements of a Spirit-filled prayer life.

How Pandemics Change Christianity

Our family has been through enough natural disasters to know that we're never completely prepared. Our comfortable lifestyle has been so normalized that we can't wrap our head around a different way of living ... until that disaster happens. Every type of disaster -- whether hurricanes, floods, or tornadoes -- reminds us of essentials that …

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